Fall is upon us and it's pumpkin season!
Pumpkin is a rich source of vitamin A. Pumpkin is one of the best-known sources of the antioxidant beta-carotene. The potassium contained within pumpkins can have a positive effect on blood pressure.
The antioxidants and vitamins contained within pumpkins could prevent degenerative damage to the eyes.
Consuming one cup of cooked, canned pumpkin provides well over 100% of your daily needs for vitamin A, 20% of the daily value for vitamin C, 10% or more for vitamin E, riboflavin, potassium, copper and manganese at least 5% for thiamin, B-6, folate, pantothenic acid, niacin, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus.
They also taste downright delicious...so go for the pumpkin the next time you're at the market.
