Do you want to manifest with me?
The last 6 years have been a rollercoaster ride into Chaos, and 2020 hit us
with every imaginable issue to work on from politics to prosperity, from
physical health to emotional and mental health. We have gone through the
wringer and emerged with a lot of old patterns scoured away, the aftermath
of this hurricane surrounding us, and a deep need for the security of new
roots and grounding. Delta and Omicron waves have kept stress levels
My Manifestation Course began some years ago to form a support group of
students guided by Michael in service of manifesting our highest good and
that of our loved ones, our community, and our planet. People who have
been involved for some time can tell you that this group has been an
amazing touchstone of sanity and support during all of the twists and turns
we have endured.
Unlike other courses, we can touch in with each other constantly through a
private Facebook group, ask unlimited questions of Michael, and receive
the healing energy and focus of the entire team when we need it. Together
we have supported one another to conquer monetary crises, heal from
grave illnesses, shelter the grieving, and celebrate our achievements.
Michael gives us numerous tools to work with monthly, individually, and as
a team, to manifest our highest good throughout the year. The course runs
from February to November yearly. We also have a monthly conference
call (taped for those who cannot attend for some reason, many people just
listen at their leisure).
Because constant Michael attention through me can only be stretched so
far, I limit the number of students I can serve in this capacity, but every
year, through the small attrition of life’s changes, a few spots open up and I
am offering those now on a first come-first served basis, since
the 2023 Manifestation Course begins February 9, 2023. Monthly calls are
always on the second Thursday of the month at noon CA time. The fee for
the course is $100/month, which can be paid monthly or in one yearly
payment. The unlimited access to Michael alone makes this more than
worth the monthly fee, but the group support is phenomenal.
The Metal Rat year of 2020 and the Metal Ox year of 2021 were some of
the most challenging years in the last century. The Water Tiger year
opened up growth and change and gave us the trifecta of examination of
health and wellness issues.
This year of the Water Rabbit introduces a 7-year expansion cycle after 14
years of contraction. We have opportunities to expand careers, love lives,
and families and to begin political, societal, and environmental healing if we
choose to embrace these new pathways. We even have Infinite Soul
energy beginning to manifest around the world. Let’s support each other in
embracing the Light, and Love, and Possibilities.
Email the office at if you want in.
Thank you!
Looking forward to this,