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Manifestation 2019

Hello everyone!

Last year at this time I put out a call for anyone interested in taking on BIG Manifestation in 2018 to work with me and Michael in a manifestation group.

The results were pretty spectacular people manifested new jobs promotions moves to long desired housing and many health upgrades.

The synergy of the group was so powerful and gave such effective support to our members that we've decided to continue and have a Manifestation Group 2019.

Like last year this group will have a special closed Facebook group for us to share our challenges and successes and get support from Michael. There will be a teleclass on the second Saturday of every month February through November from 10 am to 12 noon with monthly direction from Michael and members will receive unlimited #michael support throughout the duration of the 10 month class.

If you our interested in joining us we are opening the group to new members only from now until our first class February 9th let me know via email me at:

Thanks and I hope you decide to take the ride with us.

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