It's a great way to do a little housecleaning of the whole digestive tract and enjoy the bountiful summer harvest.
There has been a lot of suspicion and negative attention turned towards immigrants lately. This is not new. From the beginnings of...
Jupiter Time
After dealing with the anger and intensity of Mars energy since early spring, we have finally shifted to the reign of Jupiter for the...
One of the best high nutrition breakfasts we can have in the summer is a smoothie. Not only is it quick, but it needs no cooking heat on...
Take A Moment
This morning I woke up late and was in a real rush to get things done. I had clients calling soon and felt like I had to get a certain...
How We See Things
The biggest lament I hear lately is "No matter what I do I can't make them happy!" Unfortunately, that statement is actually true. You...
United We Stand
One thing that's easy to forget in these oppositional times is that we are actually all integral parts of one complex system. Each little...
Foods For Digestion
Yesterday we talked about how important it is to drink enough water. The second most important item on our health check list is...
Drink More Water
These scorching days in the 90-100+ degree heat can take their toll on our health and energy. Plenty of rest and regular use of sunscreen...
Interesting Times
In the face of the rampant hatred, fear, and anger displayed at the RNC this week, many Americans are feeling despair and hopelessness....