In To Clarity
Many times as we're skimming through our day, we get caught up in confusion as to just where we're going. What will the future hold? Are...
The edge of Terror and Excitment
Life is an intricate dance of balance. If we're awake, we teeter between bouts of terror and excitement hoping to stay afloat. The point...
Lead The Children
When we look at all of the divisiveness and anger in the world around us today, it can be difficult to remember that everyone around us...
Rise Above It
Sometimes when we are surrounded by cranky or irritable coworkers or family, we feel attacked even if they are not directing their upset...
Be The Love
In this time of political strife, it is easy to see our ragged edges. We all want so much to be right and we fight and argue and get...
Our Friend The Sun
The days are heating up and we modern folk scurry into our air conditioning to hide. While it's true that we need sun screen to protect...
Out Of The Dark
Sometimes, on our journey through the physical plane, we are struck with how very primitive we still are as a species in many ways....
Water, We Need It
One of the most common problems we have as we get older is dehydration. As our joints get rickety and we slip into being more sedentary,...
It's very easy to get caught up in self centered behavior. After all, we come here each lifetime to grow and educate that part of the...
Going for a walk with a 5 year old can be an enlightening experience. Any small piece of the scenery can suddenly take on magnified...