Pumpkin Smoothie
Fall may be just around the corner, but it's not here quite yet and it's still definitely smoothie weather. What better way to celebrate...
Summer is beginning to wind down and for many of us that will mean bundling up a bit and less swimsuit weather. It does not have to mean...
There is a great temptation in a busy, active summer month like August to rush about in many directions all day, only to drop into bed...
Be The Smooth Stone
Look at a recently broken stone. It is generally rough with ragged edges. A stone that has been rolled around by storm and sea for years,...
Rise Above
Usually summer is a time of fire: the heat of the August sun, the smell of BBQ and campfires, the very really danger of forest fires....
Start The Week Right
Sometimes, especially on a Monday morning, life looks like a bit of a challenge. We wake up, look at our to-do list and sigh, "I don't...
On these hot August days it can be difficult to stay hydrated, and cooking a meal con be really unappealing. That's when it's time to...
It's a great way to do a little housecleaning of the whole digestive tract and enjoy the bountiful summer harvest.
There has been a lot of suspicion and negative attention turned towards immigrants lately. This is not new. From the beginnings of...
Jupiter Time
After dealing with the anger and intensity of Mars energy since early spring, we have finally shifted to the reign of Jupiter for the...