Every day we talk about something or someone"making us happy"; but the truth is: no one makes us happy. Happiness is an inside job. We...
No Competition
Walking this morning in the sunshine, noticing the cherry blossoms in bloom, all felt right and peaceful in the world. Then a neighbor...
Everything we experience can and is filtered by how we hold the experience. One person's burden can be another's joy. Something...
Denying Forces
Whenever we Affirm a desire here on the Physical Plane, we are immediately met with a Denying Force. That's because in order to learn and...
Higher Perspective
Some days it feels like we are surrounded by storms and deep water. This may be true, but we are also always surrounded by Divine Light...
Play In Water
You may have already noticed that we went through a huge nexus shift over the weekend, breaking off from the intellectual, Warrior,...
Honor Your Experience
All of us are a work in progress. If that weren't true, we wouldn't still be here clambering across the face of the earth experiencing...
In The Moment
This has been a very momentous holiday season for many of my friends and family; relationships and circumstances turning precipitously in...
Cold Weather Exercise
It may be almost winter, but we still need to stay hydrated and get some exercise and vitamin D. For those of us lucky enough to still...
Christmas Spirit
We all have our holiday traditions: some people want December to be all about shopping, gifting, and socializing; others want it to be a...