September is almost over and as we move quickly towards the holidays our days get busier and busier. It's easy when rushing about to get...

Frog Medicine
In the Michael Teachings the Frog represents our hidden, instinctive knowledge. Frog medicine guides us to clarity and helps us to see...

Autumn Begins
As we head into fall and Mercury goes direct, we also are experiencing a two-day powerful spiritual nexus (beginning today) that can...

Look To The Stars
One of the things we have sacrificed with modern technology and electric lighting is the ability to see the stars in all of their glory...

Be The Bridge
It can be a real challenge to reach out in compassion to someone who is hurt and imbalanced, especially if they are lashing out in rage....

Follow Your Path
In some situations, no matter what you say or do, there is going to be someone who is wholeheartedly unhappy with you. If you are living...

Leave The Lamp On
One of the hardest lessons to learn in this lifetime is to stay out of other people's karma. Especially when it comes to our children, or...

Most people don't realize that mangos are the most popular and most often consumed fruit on the planet. There are reasons for this beyond...

Pumpkin Smoothie
Fall may be just around the corner, but it's not here quite yet and it's still definitely smoothie weather. What better way to celebrate...

Summer is beginning to wind down and for many of us that will mean bundling up a bit and less swimsuit weather. It does not have to mean...