Another wonderful summer fruit is the pineapple. Most people know that it is full of enzymes that aid in digestion, but there are many...
Now that it is blackberry season, it's a good time to discuss the health benefits of this overlooked fruit. Much like spinach, raisins,...
4th Of July
Last night I enjoyed a novel experience: listening to the SF Symphony play beautiful music while watching fireworks at the Shoreline...
My Brain
I've been walking daily for over 7 months now and I try to be really careful where I put my feet. Yesterday, for the first time, I...
Fruit Water
One of the main problems we face in this very hot weather is dehydration. Did you know that your cells absorb more water into them if...
At One With The Elements
There is something about a deserted beach on a misty morning that increases self awareness and reflection. The clouds, with the sun...
In To Clarity
Many times as we're skimming through our day, we get caught up in confusion as to just where we're going. What will the future hold? Are...
The edge of Terror and Excitment
Life is an intricate dance of balance. If we're awake, we teeter between bouts of terror and excitement hoping to stay afloat. The point...
Lead The Children
When we look at all of the divisiveness and anger in the world around us today, it can be difficult to remember that everyone around us...
Rise Above It
Sometimes when we are surrounded by cranky or irritable coworkers or family, we feel attacked even if they are not directing their upset...